Monday, May 31, 2010

Buzz and Kay and thier flooded floor

I visited Buzz and Kay after the flood other contractors said the job couldnt be done, but all contractors are not made equally. Sanding and finishing the floor only took a day and a half and the four tile bathrooms took another day. Sanding and finishing the floor saved Buzz and Kay around $4,000.

Wades oak floor

we did this floor for 4.75 sq ft installed. It took 3 days. Wade gets made fun of by his family for hanging out at the shop. We at CFD dont think anything is wrong with hanging out at a flooring store and think more people should.

Bens Pine floor

We sanded and refinished this hardwood floor. It took 3 days to sand fix and refinish his floor. The dark stains in the hardwood are from the glue used to put down the linoleum sometimes it comes totally out sometimes it doesnt.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

My Heart goes out the those flooded out of their homes

A Dear Friend of my Mr. Wainauski has provided me with this information that needs to be shared. If your home is flooded and you need FEMA aid please go here

If you need help with insurance Mr. Wainauski can be reached at

I hope you can enjoy this sunshine but if you can not due to flood damage please do use this to get your aid. I will be giving special prices to all flood damage customers.